Factory Floor Degrease in Coventry
Called out to a factory floor in Aldermans Green Industrial Estate, Coventry in the West Midlands to clean and degrease the floor prior to keys being handed back to the local council .The floor also need to be repainted with epoxy floor paint but had to be clean first, we were happy to offer both services, i.e. cleaning and repainting.
The floor was cleaned using Tile Doctor Pro-Clean diluted 1 to 5 with water and an additional 100ml of Tile Doctor Remove and Go to help strip cut the grease. The solution was mopped onto the floor and left to dwell for 10 minutes before being scrubbed with a buffing machine fitted with a black scrubbing pad.
The soiled water was removed with a wet and dry vacuum, we tackled the floor tape with a steamer and solvents before a final high pressure rinse with water.

The picture above shows cleaning being done and tape removed, in total it took a total of 22 hours over 2 long days.
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